Dear Parishioners,
We want to Thank you for the continued support you give to St. Bridget Parish. Your donations help us with the day to day operation of the church, the many repairs needed and the programs we provide to you and your family. Some of the projects which are needed:
Replacement of Parking Lot Gates on both the Lindsay Rd and Lockwood Rd entrances (a significant security issue).
Sound Board in the Church (controls the sound system and no longer functions properly which often causes problems in the sound system itself.)
Live Stream (currently the cameras we are using cause us to have to tape cables to the floor which is a safety issue and the sound and video often do not sync well. Replace with an updated live stream system)
Parish Maintenance Truck (truck is at the end of its useful lifespan)
Resurface Parking Lot (as of now we can reseal and repaint the parking lot but if we wait much longer it will start to crack and pull up and then it will need a complete replacement).
We appreciate your support. As our Parish Campus ages, well, it starts showing it age!
No matter how you choose to donate...Thank you!
Fr. John Bonavitacola and the Finance Council at St. Bridget