Mission: To walk with families in bringing their children into full initiation within their Catholic Community through preparation and reception of the sacraments.
Program Description: Preparation for all children’s sacraments at St. Bridget’s is done as a family on Sunday mornings to allow the children to grow with their parish community and to allow families to participate in Sunday morning mass together. Classes are held before Mass and families gather together in Collins Hall for an opening ritual. Afterwards, both parents and children are dismissed to separate classes. Parents attend catechetical classes to support their own growth and as preparation for leading their child to a fuller life in Christ and the Catholic Community.
The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord: The program for all Children’s Sacramental Preparation begins every year on this special feast day. On this Sunday, all children preparing for Reconciliation and Eucharist/Confirmation will renew their baptismal vows.