No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church, no matter your personal history, age, income, background, gender, race, ethnicity, spirituality, or marital situation ~ you are invited, accepted, and respected here at St. Bridget.
Each year on Holy Saturday during the Easter Vigil, thousands are baptized into the Catholic Church around the world. Parishes welcome these New Catholics through OCIA ~ the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults.
WHO: Adults & teens who:
Have not been baptized
Have been baptized in another faith tradition
Have been baptized Catholic but have not received First Eucharist or Confirmation
Catholics & Non-Catholics looking to learn more about the Catholic faith
WHAT: The OCIA process offers you the opportunity to take a deeper look into the Catholic faith. It is a great way to meet and have fellowship with others in our church family in an open and welcoming environment. It also gives you the opportunity to ask those perplexing and difficult questions you may have about the Catholic Church.
WHEN: Gatherings for candidates will be determined.
WHERE: St. Bridget’s Spirituality Center
Contact Deacon Here or call the church office at 480-924-9111
Please bring the following when you meet:
If already baptized, a copy of your Baptismal Certificate (with notations)
If not baptized, a copy of your Birth Certificate
If married, a copy of your Marriage Certificate